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About Me

​I am a passionate fine art, studio, and portrait photographer born and raised in New Jersey. My passion for photography has shown itself all throughout my life but took off when I began pursuing it as freshman in high school.  I followed my passion for photography during college, graduating magnum cum laude with a BA : Concentration in Photography from Monmouth University.

Since graduating, I have grown my own photography business, which has allowed me the freedom of being my own boss while pursuing what I love. I have covered events, such as the Day of Social Work at the United Nations and the annual Farm to Table dinner and silent auction for the Hunterdon Land Trust. I shoot architectural photography for realtors and contractors, as well as product, landscape, portraiture, and marketing photography.


My infatuation with photography lies within the freedom, creativity, and expression of fine art photography but I thrive on the entire photographic process.  My favorite part of being a photographer is capturing unique and fleeting moments, further cementing them in a frame of time.

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